

Provides extended math functionality.


The functions in this class are global. To access them simply call the functions directly as any normal function. The MathExt class does not need to be referenced.

 Debug.Print PI

See Also

Project VBCorLib Overview



 e (get)Represents the natural logarithmic base, specified by the constant, e
 PI (get)Represents the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. 


 ACosReturns the angle from a Cosine. 
 ASinReturns the angle from a Sine. 
 CDegConverts radians to degrees. 
 CeilingReturns the next highest whole integer value. 
 CoshReturns the hyperbolic cosine of the specified angle. 
 CRadConverts degrees to radians. 
 DivRemDivides two integers, placing the remainder in a supplied variable. 
 FloorReturns the next lowest whole integer value. 
 IEEERemainderReturns the remainder resulting from the division of a specified number by another specified number. 
 Log10Returns a log value in a base 10 log. 
 LogBaseReturns a value in the specified base. 
 lshiftShifts the bits of an integer left. 
 MaxReturns the maximum of two values. 
 MaxInReturns the maximum value from a list of values. 
 MinReturns the minimum of two values. 
 MinInReturns the minimum value in a list of values. 
 rshiftShifts the bits of an integer right. 
 SinhReturns the hyberbolic sine of the specified angle. 
 TanhReturns the hyberbolic tangent of the specified angle.