BitConverter: ToString


Converts an array of bytes to a string of hexidecimal notations.

 Public Function ToString(
	  ByRef Value ( ) As Byte,
	  Optional ByRef StartIndex As Variant,
	  Optional ByRef Count As Variant ) As String


[ByRef] Byte. The array of bytes used to create a string of hexidecimal values.
[ByRef] Optional. Variant. The starting byte to begin creating hexidecimal values from in the array.
[ByRef] Optional. Variant. The number of bytes to be converted to a hexidecimal notation.

Return Values

String -  String containing hexidecimal notations for each byte, separated by hyphens.


Each byte to be converted to string is converted into a hexidecimal representation. For example a byte value of 160 would become A0' in the return string. Each byte is separated by a hyphen when more than one byte is being converted. An example is a Long of &HABCDEF01 would become 01-EF-CD-AB'.

See Also

Project CorLib Overview

Class BitConverter Overview