ApplicationException |
Defines the base class for predefined exceptions in the user program.
ArgumentException |
The exception that is thrown when one of the arguments provided to a method is not valid.
ArgumentNullException |
The exception that is thrown when a null reference is passed to a method that
does not accept it as a valid argument.
ArgumentOutOfRangeException |
The exception that is thrown when the value of an argument is outside the
allowable range of values as defined by the invoked method.
ArithmeticException |
This exception is used when a mathematical error has occurred.
ArrayList |
A list that dynamically increases in size to hold a number of items.
ArrayListStatic |
Represents the static methods of the ArrayList class.
ArrayTypeMismatchException |
Represents an exception caused by two arrays not being compatible.
ASCIIEncoding |
Provides a set of methods used to encode and decode chars to and from bytes in ASCII format.
AsymmetricAlgorithm |
Provides a common interface to be implemented by all Asymmetrical algorithm classes.
AsyncCallback |
Used as a means for asynchronous operations to notify when a procedure is finished.
BigInteger |
Represents an unlimited size signed integer value.
BigIntegerStatic |
Provides methods used to manipulate BigInteger objects.
BinaryReader |
Provides a set of methods to read typed information from a Stream.
BinaryResourceEncoder |
This will accept a byte array to be encoded into a .RES file.
BinaryWriter |
Provides methods to write typed information to a stream.
BitArray |
Manages a compact array of bit values. Each bit represents a boolean, where True = 1, and False = 0.
BitArrayStatic |
Provides creation methods from various types of arrays.
BitConverter |
Converts base data types to an array of bytes, and an array of bytes to base data types.
BitMapResourceDecoder |
Decodes bitmap byte data from a byte array and produces a StdPicture.
Usually the byte array comes from a .RES file file.
BitMapResourceEncoder |
This encodes a multiple StdPicture bitmaps into individual arrays of bytes.
Buffer |
This class provides methods for copying manipulating arrays as byte arrays.
Calendar |
Represents various systems of time in which the beginning,
length, and divisions of a year are defined.
CalendarStatic |
Provides static methods for the Calendar class.
CaseInsensitiveComparer |
Provides a comparer that is case-insensitive when comparing strings.
CaseInsensitiveComparerStatic |
Provides access to default culture-sensitive CaseInsensitiveComparer objects.
Char |
Provides methods for inspecting and manipulating Unicode characters.
CharEnumerator |
Used to enumerate the characters in a string from start to end.
Comparer |
Compares two values for equivalence, where string comparisons are case-sensitive.
ComparerStatic |
Provides static functions to access the default comparer.
Console |
Provides a mechanism for handling input and output for either a screen or Stream.
ConsoleKeyInfo |
Describes the console key that was pressed, including the character represented by the console key and the state of the SHIFT, ALT, and CTRL modifier keys.
Constructors |
Functions used to create fully inititalized objects.
Conversion |
Provides methods to convert to specified data-types.
Convert |
Provides methods used to encode and decode byte arrays to and from base-64 encoded characters.
CorArray |
Provides methods for creating, manipulating, searching, and sorting arrays.
CorDateTime |
Represents a point in time.
CorDateTimeStatic |
Represents methods to create CorDateTime objects from various data sources.
CorMath |
Provides extended math functionality.
CorString |
Provides static functions to format and manipulate string values.
CryptoAPIHash |
Wraps the CryptoAPI hash functions to be used in the HashAlgorithmBase callback methods.
CryptoAPITransform |
Utilizes the Windows CryptoAPI cryptography services to perform data transformations.
CryptoConfig |
Accesses the cryptography configuration information.
CryptographicException |
An exception that represents an error occuring during some form of cryptographic operation.
CryptoStream |
Provides a streaming mechanism for ciphering data.
CspKeyContainerInfo |
Represents information about a Crypto Service Providers Key Container.
CspParameters |
Contains parameter values that can be passed on to cryptography providers.
CultureInfo |
Represents information about a culture, such as number and date formatting.
CultureInfoStatic |
Provides a set of static methods retrieve CultureInfo objects.
CursorResourceDecoder |
Decodes cursor byte data from a .RES formatted byte array.
CursorResourceEncoder |
Encodes a StdPicture Cursor to byte data used in .RES files.
CursorResourceGroupDecoder |
Decodes a CursorGroup resource.
CursorResourceGroupEncoder |
Encodes a PictureResourceGroup object to a .RES byte array.
DateTimeFormatInfo |
Provides a repository of formatting information to be used in formatting
CorDateTime and Date values to match that of a specific locale.
DateTimeFormatInfoStatic |
Provides static methods to retrieve various DateTimeFormatInfo objects.
DayLightTime |
Represents the start and end times for a daylight saving period, and the
difference between daylight saving time and standard time.
Decoder |
Provides an interface to be used in converting blocks of bytes into unicode characters.
DecoderExceptionFallback |
Provides a failure-handling mechanism, called a fallback, for an encoded input byte sequence that cannot be converted to an input character. The fallback throws an exception instead of decoding the input byte sequence.
DecoderExceptionFallbackBuffer |
Throws DecoderFallbackException when an encoded input byte sequence cannot be converted to a decoded output character.
DecoderFallback |
Provides a failure-handling mechanism, called a fallback, for an encoded input byte sequence that cannot be converted to an output character.
DecoderFallbackBuffer |
Provides a buffer that allows a fallback handler to return an alternate string to a decoder when it cannot decode an input byte sequence.
DecoderFallbackException |
The exception that is thrown when a decoder fallback operation fails.
DecoderFallbackStatic |
Gets an object that outputs a substitute string in place of an input byte sequence that cannot be decoded.
DecoderReplacementFallback |
Provides a failure-handling mechanism, called a fallback, for an encoded input byte sequence that cannot be converted to an output character. The fallback emits a user-specified replacement string instead of a decoded input byte sequence.
DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer |
Represents a substitute output string that is emitted when the original input byte sequence cannot be decoded. This class cannot be inherited.
Represents a base interface that all DES algorithms should implement.
DESCryptoServiceProvider |
Defines a wrapper class around a DES cryptographic service provider.
DESStatic |
Provides static methods relating to the DES crypto service provider.
DictionaryEntry |
A DictionaryEntry is used to contain a key/value pair. This enables collections
to keep the two values together throughout an operation.
Directory |
Provides a set of static methods for manipulating and retrieving directory information.
DirectoryInfo |
Represents a directory to modify and retrieve information about.
DirectoryNotFoundException |
An exception that is thrown when a specified directory was not found.
DivideByZeroException |
The exception that is thrown when there is an attempt to divide an integral or decimal value by zero.
DriveInfo |
Provides methods to access information about a drive.
DriveInfoStatic |
Provides static methods for manipulating DriveInfo objects.
DriveNotFoundException |
The exception that is thrown when trying to access a drive or share that is not available.
Represents a base interface all DSA (Digital Signature Algorithm) implementations must implement.
DSACryptoServiceProvider |
Provides a wrapper to access a DSA crypto service provider.
DSAParameters |
Represents the DSA key parameters.
Encoder |
Provides an interface for encoding unicode characters into bytes.
EncoderExceptionFallback |
Returns an encoder fallback buffer that throws an exception if it cannot convert a character sequence to a byte sequence.
EncoderExceptionFallbackBuffer |
Throws EncoderFallbackException when an input character cannot be converted to an encoded output byte sequence.
EncoderFallback |
Provides a failure-handling mechanism, called a fallback, for an input character that cannot be converted to an encoded output byte sequence.
EncoderFallbackBuffer |
Provides a buffer that allows a fallback handler to return an alternate string to an encoder when it cannot encode an input character.
EncoderFallbackException |
The exception that is thrown when an encoder fallback operation fails. This class cannot be inherited.
EncoderFallbackStatic |
Provides a failure-handling mechanism, called a fallback, for an input character that cannot be converted to an encoded output byte sequence.
EncoderReplacementFallback |
Provides a failure handling mechanism, called a fallback, for an input character that cannot be converted to an output byte sequence. The fallback uses a user-specified replacement string instead of the original input character.
EncoderReplacementFallbackBuffer |
Represents a substitute input string that is used when the original input character cannot be encoded. This class cannot be inherited.
Encoding |
Provides an interface for a provider to encode and decode unicode characters
to and from bytes. Also contains information on the ability to use the
encoded characters in certain situations without integerity loss.
EncodingInfo |
Contains information about a specific encoding.
EncodingStatic |
Provides static methods used to retrieve existing encodings and convert between encodings.
EndOfStreamException |
An exception that is thrown when an attempt to read passed the end of a stream occurs.
EnumeratorBase |
Used to manage an enumeration index into a set of items.
Environment |
The Environment class provides functions for retrieving information about the local machine
EqualityComparerStatic |
Provides static methods to support IEqualityComparer interface.
EventArgs |
Represents the base class for classes that contain event data, and provides a value to use for events that do not include event data.
EventArgsStatic |
Represents an event with no data.
Exception |
This is the base class from which all exception derive their interface.
ExceptionBase |
This is a helper class to easily manage an exception type class.
ExceptionMethods |
Defines public exception management functions Throw and Catch.
ExternalException |
Returns a key/value collection used to contain user-defined specific information about the exception.
File |
Provides static methods for the creation, copying, deletion, moving, and opening of files, and aids in the creation of FileStream objects.
FileInfo |
Provides methods for manipulating, setting and retrieving information for the specified file.
FileNotFoundException |
An exception thrown when a specified file was not found.
FileStream |
Represents a file as a Stream.
FileSystemInfo |
The FileSystemInfo interface is used to access both FileInfo and DirectoryInfo
objects using the same code. This allows for similar properties and methods
to be used on both files and directories with a single routine.
FormatException |
The exception that is thrown when the format of an argument does not
meet the parameter specifications of the invoked method.
FromBase64Transform |
Transforms data from base-64 to plain text.
GregorianCalendar |
Provides methods for manipulating dates using the Gregorian calendar mathematics.
GregorianCalendarStatic |
Provides static methods for the GregorianCalendar class.
Guid |
Represents a globally unique identifier (GUID).
GuidStatic |
Provides static methods used to create and manipulate Guid objects.
HashAlgorithm |
Represents a common interface implemented by all hashing algorithms.
HashAlgorithmBase |
Provides a base implementation for implementing hash algorithms.
Hashtable |
Represents a collection of key/value pairs that are organized based on the hash code of the key.
HebrewCalendar |
Provides methods for manipulating Hebrew (Jewish) dates.
HebrewCalendarStatic |
Provides static methods for the HebrewCalendar class.
HijriCalendar |
Provides methods for manipulating Hijri dates.
HijriCalendarStatic |
Provides static methods to support the Hijri calendar.
Provides a common Hash-based Message Authentication Code (HMAC) interface to be implemented by all HMAC classes.
HMACBase |
Provides the base functionality to perfrom Hash Message Authentication Code operations.
Represents an MD5 implementation of an HMAC algorithm.
Represents a RIPEMD160 hash impelemntation of the HMAC algorithm.
Represents an SHA-1 implementation of the HMAC algorithm.
Represents an SHA-256 implementation of the HMAC algorithm.
Represents an SHA-384 implementation of the HMAC algorithm.
Represents an SHA-512 implementation of the HMAC algorithm.
HMACStatic |
Provides static methods associated to the HMAC class.
IAsyncResult | |
ICloneable |
Supports cloning, which creates a new instance of a class with the same value as an existing instance.
ICollection |
Provides an interface to access size and enumeration capabilities of collections.
IComparable |
Defines a generalized type-specific comparison method that a value type or class implements to order or sort its instances.
IComparer |
Exposes a method that compares two values.
IconResourceDecoder |
Decodes an icon from a .RES formatted byte array.
IconResourceEncoder |
Encodes the StdPicture icon.
IconResourceGroupDecoder |
Decodes an IconGroup resource.
IconResourceGroupEncoder |
Encodes a PictureResourceGroup object to a .RES byte array.
ICryptoTransform |
A common interface implemented by all crypto transform classes.
ICspAsymmetricAlgorithm |
Provices methods to allow access to Key container information and Crypto API blob import/export ability
for Asymmetric algorithmes.
ICustomFormatter |
The ICustomFormatter interface is used to allow user-defined classes to be
the formatting service for values.
IDictionary |
This provides a standard interface to be impelments by key-value list collection.
IDictionaryEnumerator |
An interface used to enumerate a dictionary style collections (Hashtable.)
IEnumerable |
An interface that can be used to get an enumerator for an object.
IEnumerator |
Supports a simple iteration over a collection.
IEqualityComparer |
Defines methods to support the comparison of values for equality.
IFormatProvider |
Provides a mechanism for retrieving an object to control formatting.
IFormattable |
Provides functionality to format the value of an object into a string representation.
IHashAlgorithm |
Provides an interface all hash algorithm callbacks must implement.
IList |
An interface that provides methods for accessing and manipulating
values at specified indexes within a list.
IndexOutOfRangeException |
The exception that is thrown when an attempt is made to access an element of an array
with an index that is outside the bounds of the array.
IniFile |
Provides methods for manipulating an INI initialization file.
IniResourceWriter |
Creates an entire section at once in an INI file.
Int64Static |
Provides methods for manipulating a 64-bit signed integer.
InvalidCastException |
The exception that is thrown for invalid casting or explicit conversion.
InvalidOperationException |
The exception that is thrown when a method call is invalid for the objects current state.
IObject |
This is the base interface to allow objects to be utilized throughout most of VBCorLib.
IOException |
This exception is thrown when an I/O error occurs.
IResourceDecoder |
Provides an interface to allow a ResourceReader to decode
resource types found within a .RES file.
IResourceEncoder |
Provides an interface for classes to be used to encode data
into byte arrays used by the ResourceWriter.
IResourceReader |
Provides a standard interface for resource readers
IResourceWriter |
Provides an interface for resource writers.
IVersionable |
This interface is used to inspect classes that have changed, like a collection class.
JapaneseCalendar |
Provides functions for manipulating Japanese dates.
JulianCalendar |
Provides methods to manipulate Julian dates.
JulianCalendarStatic |
Provides static methods for the JulianCalendar class.
KeyedHashAlgorithm |
Provides a common interface to be implementated by all keyed hash implentations.
KeySizes |
Represents a set of key sizes.
KoreanCalendar |
Provides functions to manipulate Korean dates.
KoreanCalendarStatic |
Provides static methods for the KoreanCalendar class.
MACTripleDES |
Represents a TripleDES implementation of an HMAC algorithm.
MACTripleDESStatic |
Provides static methods associated with the MACTripleDES class.
MD5 |
Represents a base interface to be implemented by all MD5 hash algorithms.
MD5CryptoServiceProvider |
Provides MD5 hashing services through the CryptoAPI interface.
MD5Static |
Represents the abstract class from which all implementations of the MD5 hash algorithm inherit.
MemoryMappedFile |
Represents a simple file-to-memory mapping.
MemoryMappedFileStatic |
Represents a simple file-to-memory mapping.
MemoryMappedViewAccessor |
Represents a randomly accessed view of a memory-mapped file.
MemoryMappedViewStream |
Represents a view of a memory-mapped file as a sequentially accessed stream. |
MemoryStream |
Provides an in-memory stream of data that can be read/written and modified
using Stream methods.
NotSupportedException |
The exception that is thrown when an invoked method is not supported.
NumberFormatInfo |
Provides numeric formatting information.
NumberFormatInfoStatic |
Provides methods to retrieve the various types of NumberFormatInfo objects.
ObjectBase |
This class represent a proxy as a base class for those classes that implement IObject.
It is intended to give default behavior for the three main methods of the Object class in .NET.
The base class is accessed using the MyBase global static property. This class is not intended to be used by code other than in the methods of the IObject
interface implementations.
ObjectDisposedException |
This exception is thrown when an operation is attempted on a disposed object.
ObjectStatic |
Provides default implementations of the IObject interface.
OperatingSystem |
Provides information about the currently running operating system.
OutOfMemoryException |
This the exception thrown when a memory error occurs.
OverflowException |
This exception is thrown when a mathimatical operation causes a value
outside the valid range of values for the destination object.
Path |
Performs operations on String instances that contain file or directory path information.
PathTooLongException |
An exception that is caused by a path being longer than Windows can handle.
PictureResourceGroup |
This class represents a group of Icons or Cursors.
PictureResourceInfo |
Represents a picture resource that is part of a group of pictures.
PlatformNotSupportedException |
This exception is thrown when an operation is to be
performed, but the current operating system does not support the action.
PublicFunctions |
Provides some helper functions.
Queue |
Represents a first-in, first-out collection of values.
Random |
Provides a sequence of pseudo-random generated numbers.
RandomNumberGenerator |
A common interface to be implemented by random number generators.
RandomNumberGeneratorStatic |
Provides static methods associated with the RandomNumberGenerator class.
RankException |
The exception that is thrown when an array with the wrong number of dimensions is passed to a method.
RC2 |
Represents a standard interface implemented by all RC2 crypto service providers.
RC2CryptoServiceProvider |
Provides cryptography services using the RC2 symmetric algorithm.
RC2Static |
Provides static methods associated with the RC2 algorithm.
Registry |
Supplies the base Registrykeys that access values and subkeys in the registry.
RegistryKey |
Represents a key level node inside the Windows Registry.
RegistryKeyStatic |
Provides static methods for the RegistryKey class.
ResourceKey |
This class represents a Resource key by containing the 3 primary
identifiers for a Windows resource.
ResourceManager |
Provides convenient access to culture-specific resources at runtime.
ResourceManagerStatic |
Provides static methods for the ResourceManager object.
ResourceReader |
Provides a means to iterate through the resources in a .RES file.
ResourceSet |
Stores all the resources localized for one particular culture, ignoring all other cultures.
ResourceWriter |
Writes encoded resources out to a .RES file.
Rfc2898DeriveBytes |
Implements password-based key derivation functionality, PBKDF2, by using a pseudo-random number generator based on HMACSHA1.
Rijndael |
Provides a standard interface implemented by all Rijndael cryptographic service providers.
RijndaelManaged |
Represents an implementation of the Rijndael symmetric block cipher algorithm
RijndaelManagedTransform |
Performs cryptographic operations on data using the Rijndael algorithm.
RijndaelStatic |
Provides static methods associated with the Rijndael class.
Provides a common interface to be implemented by all RIPEMD160 implementations.
RIPEMD160Managed |
Represents an implementation of the RIPEMD160 hashing algorithm.
RNGCryptoServiceProvider |
Provides random number generation that is a bit more random than the regular Visual Basic method
by using a Cryptographic Service Provider.
Represents the base interface from which all RSA class implementations must implement.
RSACryptoServiceProvider |
Provides RSA encryption services using the Windows Crypto API methods.
RSACryptoServiceProviderStatic | |
RSAParameters |
Represents the Key information for an RSA implementation.
RSAStatic |
Represents methods associated with the RSA class.
SafeFileHandle |
Represents a wrapper class for a file handle.
SafeHandle |
Represents a wrapper class for operating system handles. This class must be implemented.
SafeMemoryMappedFileHandle |
Provides a safe handle that represents a memory-mapped file for sequential access.
SecurityElement |
Provides simple XML text management capabilities.
SecurityElementStatic |
Provides static functions associated to the SecurityElement class.
SerializationException |
This exception is thrown when an error occurs reading or writing a
propertybag and a value cannot be serialized.
SHA1 |
Represents a standard interface for SHA-1 class implementations.
SHA1CryptoServiceProvider |
Provides services to compute the SHA-1 hash values of data.
SHA1Managed |
Provides services to compute the SHA-1 hash value.
SHA1Static |
Provides methods specific to the SHA-1 class.
SHA256 |
Represents a standard interface for SHA-256 class implementations.
SHA256Managed |
Provides services to compute the SHA-256 hash value.
SHA256Static |
Provides methods associated with the SHA-256 class.
SHA384 |
Represents a standard interface for SHA-384 class implementations.
SHA384Managed |
Provides services to compute the SHA-384 hash value.
SHA384Static |
Provides methods associated with the SHA-384 class.
SHA512 |
Represents a standard interface for SHA-512 class implementations.
SHA512Managed |
Provides services to compute the SHA-512 hash value.
SHA512Static |
Provides methods associated with the SHA-512 class.
SortedList |
Provides a means to maintain a list of sorted items based on an associated key.
Stack |
Represents a simple last-in-first-out (LIFO) non-generic collection of items.
StaticClasses |
Provides direct access to static class methods.
StopWatch |
Provides a timing mechanism using QueryPerformanceCounter if available, otherwise
the system time is used.
StopWatchStatic |
Provides methods that are related to the StopWatch class.
Stream |
Provides a set of standard methods for using a Stream object.
StreamReader |
Reads characters from a byte array in a particular encoding.
StreamStatic |
Provides static methods for the Stream class.
StreamWriter |
Writes characters to a byte stream using the specific encoding.
StringBuilder |
Allows easy manipulation, concatenation and removal of strings and characters.
StringComparer |
Represents string comparison operations based on a specific case and culture-based or ordinal comparison rules.
StringComparerStatic |
Provides a set of StringComparer objects implementing different string comparison rules.
StringReader |
Provides methods to read portions of a string.
StringResourceDecoder |
Decodes a resource String table containing up to 16 strings.
StringResourceEncoder |
Encodes strings into string tables.
StringWriter |
Provides a set of functions for writing to a string.
SymmetricAlgorithm |
Provides a standard interface for utilizing symmetric algorithms.
SymmetricAlgorithmBase |
Provides a common base of functionality for SymmetricAlgorithm derived classes.
SystemException |
Defines the base class for predefined exceptions in the VBCorLib library.
TaiwanCalendar |
Provides functions for manipulating Taiwanese dates.
TextReader |
Provides an interface to read text characters from a stream.
TextReaderStatic |
Provides static methods and properties for the TextReader class.
TextWriter |
Provides an interface used to write text characters to a stream.
ThaiBuddhistCalendar |
Provides methods for manipulating ThaiBuddhist dates.
ThaiBuddhistCalendarStatic |
Provides static methods of the ThaiBuddhistCalendar class.
Thread |
Creates and controls a thread, sets its priority, and gets its status.
ThreadStatic |
Gets the currently running thread.
Ticker |
Provides a recurring timer event.
TimeSpan |
This class represents an amount of time.
TimeSpanStatic |
Provides severs static functions to help in creating TimeSpan objects.
TimeZone |
Represents a time zone.
TimeZoneStatic |
Represents static methods for the TimeZone class.
ToBase64Transform |
A class used to transform byte data to Base 64 data.
TripleDES |
Represents the interface for Triple Data Encryption Standard classes to implement.
TripleDESCryptoServiceProvider |
Provides cryptographic services using the TripleDES cryptographic service provider.
TripleDESStatic |
Provides static methods used with the Triple Data Encryption Standard algorithm.
UnauthorizedAccessException |
This exception is thrown when an operation attempted to access
a secured value or location without proper authorization.
UnicodeEncoding |
A set of functions used to convert UTF-16 Unicode characters to and from byte arrays.
UTF32Encoding |
Represents a UTF-32 encoding of Unicode characters.
UTF7Encoding |
Represents a UTF-7 encoding of Unicode characters.
UTF8Encoding |
A set of functions to be used to convert character arrays to and from byte arrays.
Version |
Represents a version number in the format Major.Minor[.Build[.Revision]].
VersionStatic |
Provides static methods to help create Version objects.
WaitHandle | |
WinResourceReader |
A class that reads resources out of EXE and DLL files.
XmlSyntaxException |
Represents an exception caused by invalid XML syntax.