Rfc2898DeriveBytes |
IObject |
Name | Description |
![]() | Gets the number of iterations for the operation. |
![]() | Sets the number of iterations for the operation. |
![]() | Gets the key salt value for the operation. |
![]() | Sets the key salt value for the operation. |
Name | Description |
![]() | This function determines if the value passed in is the same as the current object instance. Meaning, are the Value and this object the same object in memory. |
![]() | Returns the pseudo-random key for this object. |
![]() |
Returns a psuedo-unique number used to help identify this
object in memory. The current method is to return the value
obtained from ObjPtr. If a different method needs to be impelmented
then change the method here in this function. An override might be necessary if the hashcode should be derived from a value contained within the class. |
![]() | Resets the state of the operation. |
![]() |
Returns a string representation of this object instance.
The default method simply returns the application name
and class name in which this class resides. A Person class may return the persons name instead. |
An Rfc2898DeriveBytes instance can be created using the NewRfc2898DeriveBytes constructor.
Rfc2898DeriveBytes takes a password, a salt, and an iteration count, and then generates keys through calls to the GetBytes method.
RFC 2898 includes methods for creating a key and initialization vector (IV) from a password and salt. You can use PBKDF2, a password-based key derivation function, to derive keys using a pseudo-random function that allows keys of virtually unlimited length to be generated. The Rfc2898DeriveBytes class can be used to produce a derived key from a base key and other parameters. In a password-based key derivation function, the base key is a password and the other parameters are a salt value and an iteration count.
The following code example uses the Rfc2898DeriveBytes class to create two identical keys for the TripleDES class. It then encrypts and decrypts some data using the keys.
Public Sub Main() Const Pwd1 As String = "Simple Password" Dim Salt1(8) As Byte Dim RngCsp As New RNGCryptoServiceProvider RngCsp.GetBytes Salt1 ' Data1 can be a string or contents of a file. Const Data1 As String = "Some test data" ' The default iteration count is 1000 so the two methods use the same iteration count. Const MyIterations As Long = 1000 On Error GoTo Catch Dim K1 As Rfc2898DeriveBytes Dim K2 As Rfc2898DeriveBytes Set K1 = NewRfc2898DeriveBytes(Pwd1, Salt1, MyIterations) Set K2 = NewRfc2898DeriveBytes(Pwd1, Salt1) ' Encrypt the data. Dim EncAlg As TripleDES Dim EncryptionStream As New MemoryStream Dim Encrypt As CryptoStream Dim UtfD1() As Byte Set EncAlg = TripleDES.Create() EncAlg.Key = K1.GetBytes(16) Set Encrypt = NewCryptoStream(EncryptionStream, EncAlg.CreateEncryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.WriteMode) UtfD1 = NewUTF8Encoding(False).GetBytes(Data1) Encrypt.WriteBlock UtfD1, 0, CorArray.Length(UtfD1) Encrypt.FlushFinalBlock Encrypt.CloseStream Dim EData1() As Byte EData1 = EncryptionStream.ToArray() K1.Reset ' Try to decrypt, thus showing it can be round-tripped. Dim DecAlg As TripleDES Dim DecryptionStreamBacking As New MemoryStream Dim Decrypt As CryptoStream Set DecAlg = TripleDES.Create() DecAlg.Key = K2.GetBytes(16) DecAlg.IV = EncAlg.IV Set Decrypt = NewCryptoStream(DecryptionStreamBacking, DecAlg.CreateDecryptor(), CryptoStreamMode.WriteMode) Decrypt.WriteBlock EData1, 0, CorArray.Length(EData1) Decrypt.Flush Decrypt.CloseStream K2.Reset Dim Data2 As String Data2 = NewUTF8Encoding(False).GetString(DecryptionStreamBacking.ToArray()) If Data1 <> Data2 Then Debug.Print "Error: The two values are not equal." Else Debug.Print "The two values are equal." Debug.Print CorString.Format("K1 iterations: {0}", K1.IterationCount) Debug.Print CorString.Format("K2 iterations: {0}", K2.IterationCount) End If Exit Sub Catch: Dim Ex As Exception Catch Ex, Err Debug.Print Ex.ToString End Sub ' This example code produces the following output. ' ' The two values are equal. ' K1 iterations: 1000 ' K2 iterations: 1000