Constructors |
Name | Description |
CreateEnumerator | Creates a For..Each compatible wrapper around an IEnumerator interface. |
NewApplicationException | Creates a new ApplicationException object. |
NewArgumentException | Creates a new ArgumentException object. |
NewArgumentNullException | Creates a new ArgumentNullException object. |
NewArgumentOutOfRangeException | Creates a new ArgumentOutOfRangeException object. |
NewArithmeticException | Initializes a new instance of the ArithmeticException class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. |
NewArray | Creates an array of values. |
NewArrayList | Creates a new ArrayList object with the specified settings. |
NewArrayTypeMismatchException | Creates a new ArrayTypeMismatchException object. |
NewBigInteger | Creates a new BigInteger instance. |
NewBinaryReader | Returns a new BinaryReader that can read from the specified stream usind the specified encoding. |
NewBinaryWriter | Returns a new BinaryWriter used to write to a Stream object. |
NewBitArray | Creates a new BitArray object. |
NewBooleans | Initializes a Boolean array with elements copied from Values. |
NewBytes | Initializes a Byte array with elements copied from Values. |
NewCaseInsensitiveComparer | Initializes a new instance of the CaseInsensitiveComparer class using the specified CultureInfo. |
NewCharEnumerator | Creates an enumerator used to iterate over the Unicode characters of a String. |
NewChars | Initializes an Integer array representing Unicode characters with elements copied from Values. |
NewCollection | Initializes a Collection with elements copied from Values. |
NewComparer | Initializes a new instance of the Comparer class using the specified CultureInfo. |
NewConsoleKeyInfo | Initializes a new ConsoleKeyInfo object that represents the state of a key press. |
NewCryptoAPIHash | Creates a new CryptoAPIHash object. |
NewCryptographicException | Creates a new CryptographicException object. |
NewCryptoStream | Creates a new CryptoStream object used to read or write transformed data to or from an underlying stream. |
NewCspKeyContainerInfo | Creates a new CspKeyContainerInfo object. |
NewCspParameters | Creates a new CspParameters object. |
NewCultureInfo | Creates a new CultureInfo object for the specified culture. |
NewCurrencies | Initializes a Currency array with elements copied from Values. |
NewDate | Creates a new CorDateTime object from a VB Date. |
NewDates | Initializes a Date array with elements copied from Values. |
NewDateTime | Creates a new CorDateTime object set to the specified date. |
NewDayLightTime | Creates a new DayLightTime object with the specified start and end times for daylight saving. |
NewDecimals | Initializes a Decimal array with elements copied from Values. |
NewDecoderFallbackException | Initializes a new instance of the DecoderFallbackException class. Parameters specify the error message and the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. |
NewDecoderFallbackException2 | Initializes a new instance of the DecoderFallbackException class. Parameters specify the error message, the array of bytes being decoded, and the index of the byte that cannot be decoded. |
NewDecoderReplacementFallback | Initializes a new instance of the DecoderReplacementFallback class using a specified replacement string. |
NewDecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer | Initializes a new instance of the DecoderReplacementFallbackBuffer class using the value of a DecoderReplacementFallback object. |
NewDictionaryEntry | Creates a new DictionaryEntry object initialized with Key and Value. |
NewDirectoryInfo | Creates a new DirectoryInfo object that describes the specified path. |
NewDirectoryNotFoundException | Creates a new DirectoryNotFoundException object with the specified message and optional exception. |
NewDivideByZeroException | Initializes a new instance of the DivideByZeroException class with a specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. |
NewDoubles | Initializes a Double array with elements copied from Values. |
NewDriveInfo | Initializes a new DriveInfo object used to inspect a drives information. |
NewDriveNotFoundException | Initializes a new instance of the DriveNotFoundException class with the specified error message and a reference to the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. |
NewDSACryptoServiceProvider | Creates a new DSACryptoServiceProvider object. |
NewEncoderFallbackException | Initializes a new instance of the EncoderFallbackException class. Parameters specify the error message and the inner exception that is the cause of this exception. |
NewEncoderFallbackException2 | Initializes a new instance of the EncoderFallbackException class. Parameters specify the error message, unknown character, and index. |
NewEncoderFallbackException3 | Initializes a new instance of the EncoderFallbackException class. Parameters specify the error message, high surrogate, low surrogate, and Index. |
NewEncoderReplacementFallback | Initializes a new instance of the EncoderReplacementFallback class using a specified replacement string. |
NewEncoderReplacementFallbackBuffer | Initializes a new instance of the EncoderReplacementFallbackBuffer class using the value of a EncoderReplacementFallback object. |
NewEndOfStreamException | Returns a new EndOfStreamException with the specified message and optional exception. |
NewEnumeratorBase | Initializes a new instance of EnumeratorBase. |
NewException | Creates a new Exception object. |
NewExceptionBase | Creates a new ExceptionBase object that can be contained within an exception class. |
NewExternalException | Creates a new ExternalException object. |
NewFileInfo | Creates a new FileInfo object used to describe and manage a file. |
NewFileNotFoundException | Creates a new FileNotFoundException with the specified FileName, Message, and InnerException. |
NewFileStream | Returns a new FileStream to access an underyling file. |
NewFileStreamWithHandle | Returns a new FileStream to access a file other than that on disk, such as pipes. |
NewFormatException | Creates a new FormatException object. |
NewFromBase64Transform | Creates a new FromBase64Transform object used to convert base64 characters to plain text. |
NewGregorianCalendar | Creates a new instance of the GregorianCalendar class. |
NewGuid | Initializes a new instance of the Guid object by using the specified array of bytes, string, or memory pointer. |
NewHashAlgorithmBase | Creates a HashAlgorithmBase object used by hash algorithms. |
NewHashtable | Initializes a new instance of the Hashtable class by copying the elements from the specified dictionary to the new Hashtable object. The new Hashtable object has an initial capacity equal to the number of elements copied, and uses the specified load factor and IEqualityComparer object. |
NewHashtable2 | Initializes a new, empty instance of the Hashtable class using the specified initial capacity, load factor, and IEqualityComparer object. |
NewHMACBase | Creates a HMACBase object that can be used as a base implementation of an HMAC class. |
NewHMACMD5 | Creates a new HMACMD5 object. |
NewHMACRIPEMD160 | Creates a new HMACRIPEMD160 object. |
NewHMACSHA1 | Creates a new HMACSHA1 object. |
NewHMACSHA256 | Creates a new HMACSHA256 object. |
NewHMACSHA384 | Creates a new HMACSHA384 object. |
NewHMACSHA512 | Creates a new HMACSHA512 object. |
NewIndexOutOfRangeException | Creates a new IndexOutOfRangeException object. |
NewIniFile | Initializes a new IniFile to manage an INI file. |
NewIniResourceWriter | Initializes a new instance of IniResourceWriter with specified FileName and Section. |
NewInt64 | Returns an initialized instance of Int64. |
NewInt64s | Initializes an Int64 array with elements copied from Values. |
NewIntegers | Initializes an Integer array with elements copied from Values. |
NewInvalidCastException | Creates a new InvalidCaseException object. |
NewInvalidOperationException | Creates a new InvalidOperationException object. |
NewIOException | Creates a new IOException object with the specified Message, HResult, and InnerException. |
NewKeySizes | Creates a new KeySizes object with the MinSize, MaxSize, and SkipSize properties defined. |
NewLongs | Initializes a Long array with elements copied from Values. |
NewMACTripleDES | Creates a new MACTripleDES object. |
NewMemoryStream | Initializes a new instance of the MemoryStream class based on the specified region of a byte array, with the CanWrite property set as specified. |
NewNotSupportedException | Creates a new NotSupportedException object. |
NewObjectDisposedException | Returns a new ObjectDisposedException. |
NewOperatingSystem | Returns a new OperatingSystem object with the specified Platform and Version. |
NewOverflowException | Returns a new OverflowException with the specified message and exception. |
NewPathTooLongException | Returns a new PathTooLongException object. |
NewPictureResourceGroup | Creates a picture group object used to contain information about resources that are grouped together. |
NewPictureResourceInfo | Initializes a new instance of the PictureResourceInfo class with the specified ResourceId and Resource. |
NewPlatformNotSupportedException | Returns a new PlatformNotSupportedException with the specified Message and InnerException. |
NewQueue | Creates a new Queue initialized with the elements in the collection. |
NewRandom | Creates a new Random object initialized with the specified seed. |
NewRankException | Creates a new RankException object. |
NewResourceKey | Creates a new ResourceKey object used to uniquely identify a resource. |
NewResourceManager | Creates a new ResourceManager for a specified .RES file. |
NewResourceReader | Creates a new ResourceReader object. |
NewResourceSet | Creates a new ResourceSet for a specific culture. |
NewResourceWriter | Creates a new ResourceWriter object. |
NewRfc2898DeriveBytes | Initializes a new instance of the Rfc2898DeriveBytes class using a password, a salt or salt size, and number of iterations to derive the key. |
NewRNGCryptoServiceProvider | Creates a new RNGCryptoServiceProvider that uses a crypto service provider to generate random numbers. |
NewRSACryptoServiceProvider | Creates a new RSACryptoServiceProvider object. |
NewSafeFileHandle | Initializes a new instance of the SafeFileHandle class. |
NewSafeHandle | Initializes a new instance of the SafeHandle class. |
NewSecurityElement | Creates a new SecurityElement object. |
NewSerializationException | Creates a new SerializationException object. |
NewSingles | Initializes a Single array with elements copied from Values. |
NewSortedList | Creates a new SortedList object with specific initialization options. |
NewStack | Initializes a new instance of the Stack class that contains elements copied from the specified collection. |
NewStreamReader | Creates a new StreamReader from either a FileName or an existing stream to read from. |
NewStreamWriter | Creates a new StreamWriter with either a filename or other stream as a source to write to in the specified Encoding. |
NewString | Initializes a new String to the value indicated by an array of Unicode characters, a starting character position within that array, and a length. |
NewStringBuilder | Returns a new StringBuilder with user specified settings and starting string. |
NewStringReader | Returns a new StringReader object. |
NewStrings | Initializes a String array with elements copied from Values. |
NewStringWriter | Returns a new StringWriter object. |
NewSystemException | Creates a new SystemException object. |
NewTicker | Creates a new Ticker. |
NewTime | Initializes a new TimeSpan representing the time portion of a date. |
NewTimeSpan | Creates a new TimeSpan object set to the specified amount of time. |
NewUnauthorizedAccessException | Creates a new UnauthorizedAccessException object. |
NewUnicodeEncoding | Returns a new UnicodeEncoding object with the specified settings. |
NewUTF32Encoding | Initializes a new instance of the UTF32Encoding class. Parameters specify whether to use the big endian byte order, whether to provide a Unicode byte order mark, and whether to throw an exception when an invalid encoding is detected. |
NewUTF7Encoding | Returns a new UTF7Encoding object. |
NewUTF8Encoding | Returns a new UTF8Encoding object. |
NewVariants | Initializes a Variant array with elements copied from Values. |
NewVersion | Creates a new Version object with specified version information. |
NewWinResourceReader | Creates a new WinResourceReader object. |
NewXmlSyntaxException | Creates a new XmlSyntaxException object. |
This class is defined as Global-Multiuse. All of the functions can be called directly without needing to create a Constructors object.
The Cor accessor can be used to easily find and select the desired object to create. Using the Cor accessor provides IntelliSense to the available constructors, making object creation easier.
The example demonstrates instantiating a FileStream object using two methods.
Public Sub Main() Dim FS As FileStream ' open file using global method. Set FS = NewFileStream("MyFile.txt", FileMode.OpenExisting) ' open file using global Cor accessor. Set FS = Cor.NewFileStream("MyFile.txt", FileMode.OpenExisting) End Sub