IList |
Name | Description |
Count (get) | Returns the number of items in the list. |
IsFixedSize (get) | Returns if the list is fixed-size. |
IsReadOnly (get) | Returns if the list is read-only. |
Item (get) | Returns an item at specified index. |
Item (let) | Sets the item at the specified index to a new value. |
Item (set) | Sets the item at the specified index to a new value. |
Name | Description |
Add | Adds a new item to the list. |
Clear | Clears the contents of the list. |
Contains | Determines if the list contains a specific value. |
CopyTo | Copies the elements in the list to the array. |
GetEnumerator | Returns an enumerator used to iterate over the list. |
IndexOf | Returns the index of the value within the list. |
Insert | Inserts a value into a list at the specified index. |
Remove | Removes a value from the list. |
RemoveAt | Removes a value from the list at the specified index. |
This interface should be implemented in classes that provide a list style functionality.