

Provides direct access to static class methods.



 Sign Represents the sign values of BigInteger values.  


 ArrayList (get) Gets an object used to access the ArrayList static methods.  
 BigInteger (get) Gets an object used to access the BigInteger static methods.  
 BitArray (get) Gets an object used to access the BitArray static methods.  
 BitConverter (get) Gets an object used to access the BitConverter static methods.  
 Buffer (get) Gets an object used to access the Buffer static methods.  
 Calendar (get) Gets an object used to access the Calendar static methods.  
 CaseInsensitiveComparer (get) Gets an object used to access the CaseInsensitiveComparer static methods.  
 Char (get) Gets a reference used to access the Char static methods.  
 Comparer (get) Gets an object used to access the Comparer static methods.  
 Console (get) Gets an object used to access the Console static methods.  
 Convert (get) Gets an object used to access the Convert static methods.  
 Cor (get) Returns a object containing all of the parameterized constructors available within the VBCorLib library.  
 CorArray (get) Gets an object used to access the CorArray static methods.  
 CorDateTime (get) Gets an object used to access the CorDateTime static methods.  
 CorMath (get) Gets an object used to access the CorMath static methods.  
 CorString (get) Gets an object used to access the CorString static methods.  
 CryptoConfig (get) Gets an object used to access the CryptoConfig static methods.  
 CultureInfo (get) Gets an object used to access the CultureInfo static methods.  
 DateTimeFormatInfo (get) Gets an object used to access the DateTimeFormatInfo static methods.  
 DecoderFallback (get) Gets a reference used to access the DecoderFallback static methods.  
 DES (get) Gets an object used to access the DES static methods.  
 Directory (get) Gets an object used to access the Directory static methods.  
 DriveInfo (get) Gets an object used to access the DriveInfo static methods.  
 EncoderFallback (get) Gets a reference used to access the EncoderFallback static methods.  
 Encoding (get) Gets an object used to access the Encoding static methods.  
 Environment (get) Gets an object used to access the Environment static methods.  
 EqualityComparer (get) Gets a reference used to access the EqualityComparer static methods.  
 File (get) Gets an object used to access the File static methods.  
 GregorianCalendar (get) Gets an object used to access the GregorianCalendar static methods.  
 Guid (get) Gets an object used to access the Guid static methods.  
 HebrewCalendar (get) Gets an object used to access the HebrewCalendar static methods.  
 HijriCalendar (get) Gets an object used to access the HijriCalendar static methods.  
 HMAC (get) Gets an object used to access the HMAC static methods.  
 Int64 (get) Gets a reference used to access the Int64 static methods.  
 JulianCalendar (get) Gets an object used to access the JulianCalendar static methods.  
 KoreanCalendar (get) Gets an object used to access the KoreanCalendar static methods.  
 MACTripleDES (get) Gets an object used to access the MACTripleDES static methods.  
 MD5 (get) Gets an object used to access the MD5 static methods.  
 MemoryMappedFile (get) Gets a reference used to access the MemoryMappedFile static methods.  
 MyBase (get) Gets a reference used to access the ObjectBase static methods.  
 NumberFormatInfo (get) Gets an object used to access the NumberFormatInfo static methods.  
 Object (get) Gets an object used to access the ObjectStatic static methods.  
 Path (get) Gets an object used to access the Path static methods.  
 RC2 (get) Gets an object used to access the RC2 static methods.  
 Registry (get) Gets an object used to access the Registry static methods.  
 RegistryKey (get) Gets an object used to access the RegistryKey static methods.  
 ResourceManager (get) Gets an object used to access the ResourceManager static methods.  
 Rijndael (get) Gets an object used to access the Rijndael static methods.  
 RSA (get) Gets an object used to access the RSA static methods.  
 RSACryptoServiceProvider (get) Gets a reference used to access the RSACryptoServiceProvider static methods.  
 SecurityElement (get) Gets an object used to access the SecurityElement static methods.  
 SHA1 (get) Gets an object used to access the SHA1 static methods.  
 SHA256 (get) Gets an object used to access the SHA256 static methods.  
 SHA384 (get) Gets an object used to access the SHA384 static methods.  
 SHA512 (get) Gets an object used to access the SHA512 static methods.  
 StopWatch (get) Gets an object used to access the StopWatch static methods.  
 Stream (get) Gets an object used to access the Stream static methods.  
 StringComparer (get) Gets a reference used to access the StringComparer static methods.  
 TextReader (get) Gets an object used to access the TextReader static methods.  
 Thread (get) Gets an object used to access the Thread static methods.  
 TimeSpan (get) Gets an object used to access the TimeSpan static methods.  
 TimeZone (get) Gets an object used to access the TimeZone static methods.  
 TripleDES (get) Gets an object used to access the TripleDES static methods.  
 Version (get) Gets an object used to access the Version static methods.  


VB6 does not support static class methods. To replicate the syntax of accessing static methods, a Property Get of the same name as the class that is supposed to contain the static methods is defined in this class. This class has instancing of GlobalMultiUse. This means that just the name of these Property Gets can be typed directly without having to instantiate the PublicProperty Gets class. By just typing in any of these Property Get names, the underlying class which contains the static methods is returned, and those methods are then available for calling. This gives the illusion of static methods being called on a class.

When typing in one of these Property Get names, it should be followed immediately by a period to allow access to the static methods of that class.


 '' Print the name of the current user
 Debug.Print Environment.UserName
This example simply refers to the Environment Property Get in this class, then directly calls a method on the returned object from the Environment Property Get. In this case it returns a reference to the Environment class.

See Also

Project CorLib Overview

Class StaticClasses Overview