CommandLine (get) |
Returns the command specified when executing the current application,
including any arguments typed after the application name.
CurrentDirectory (get) |
Returns the current directy of the executing application.
CurrentDirectory (let) |
Sets the current directory for the executing application.
Is64BitOperatingSystem (get) |
Determines whether the current operating system is a 64-bit operating system.
MachineName (get) |
Returns the name of the local computer.
NewLine (get) |
Returns string of a newline character for the local computer.
OSVersion (get) |
Returns an object representing the current operating system.
ProcessorCount (get) |
Returns the number of processors on the current machine.
SystemDirectory (get) |
Returns the System directory for the current OS.
TickCount (get) |
Returns the number of milliseconds the system has been running since it started.
UserDomainName (get) |
Returns the name of the local machine within a domain
UserInteractive (get) |
Determines if the current application is allowed to have user interaction.
UserName (get) |
Returns the name of the currently logged in user of the local computer.
WorkingSet (get) |
Returns the amount of physical memory the current application is allocated.