IResourceEncoder: Encode


Encodes a value into a byte array for later retrieval.

 Public Function Encode(
	  ByRef Value As Variant,
	  ByRef ResourceName As Variant,
	  Optional ByRef ResourceType As Variant,
	  Optional ByRef LanguageID As Variant ) As Boolean


[ByRef] Variant. The value to be encoded into a resource compatible byte array.
[ByRef] Variant. The identifier for the specific resource. Should be converted to a string or numeric value.
[ByRef] Optional. Variant. The type of resource. This can be a string or numeric value. If the is value is not supplied, then an attempt to determine the type should be made based on the Value itself.
[ByRef] Optional. Variant. The Locale identifier this resource belongs to. If this value is not supplied, then the current cultures LCID should be used.

Return Values

Boolean -  Returns True if the encoder accepted and encoded the value, False otherwise.


This function should not throw an exception. If the encoder cannot handle the the value for encoding, it should just return False.

See Also

Project CorLib Overview

Class IResourceEncoder Overview