ResByteEncoder: Encode


The byte array is assumed to be the encoded data and is written to a .RES file as is.

 Public Function Encode(
	  ByRef Value As Variant,
	  ByRef ResourceName As Variant,
	  Optional ByRef ResourceType As Variant,
	  Optional ByRef LanguageID As Variant ) As Boolean


[ByRef] Variant. The byte array to be written to the .RES file.
[ByRef] Variant. The name or ID of the bitmap.
[ByRef] Optional. Variant. The type of value being encoded.
[ByRef] Optional. Variant. The LocaleID the bitmap is associated with.

Return Values

Boolean -  Returns True if the encoder was able to encode the value, False otherwise.


Any value can be passed in. No exception is thrown. If the value is not a bitmap then the function returns False.

The ResourceName can be a String or a Numeric value.

The LanguageID can be a CultureInfo object, a culture name, or an LCID. If the LanguageID is not supplied, then the current culture is used.

Null arrays are not encoded. False will be returned.

See Also

Project CorLib Overview
Class ResByteEncoder Overview